Thursday, May 17, 2012

{ideku handmade with chef farah quinn}

Thank God, there are many opportunities that we feel. Teaching in many places and being interviewed by many magazines, tabloids, and TV shows. And few days ago, Trans TV's crews came to our workshop and we had a great times together with Chef Farah Quinn. Don't ask about how she looked. She's very pretty and damn hot. Lol.

The first session was interviewed by her, and then she bought a guitar pillow for her son. She asked many things about Ideku Handmade and its history. The second session was cooking. Chef Farah Quinn made ​​tiramisu crepes. And the important thing is....... she made it for me and Oie!!! And the last session........ we ate tiramisu crepes!!! She made it soooo perfect! Very yummy. 

ps. Thank you Chef Farah Quinn, thank you Trans TV :*


  1. Great....,moga banyak pengikut Sis Puri..., proud of you dan Indonesia...:)

  2. ditayangin kapan mbak?
    kapan hari aku ngeliat idekuhandmade di ngulik, mbak asri bareng laura basuki.. :D
