Thursday, May 17, 2012

{workshop at dulux with 7 magazines}

Making the owl dolls workshop was held on last Friday, May 11, 2012 at Dulux. The workshop presented by Martha Stewart Living Magazine, Kawanku, Sekar, Prevention, Chic, InStyle, and More. The workshop was attended by staff from the office of Dulux. Each participant gets a packet of materials to make doll and a basket. The participants make a doll with their own creations. The results of the assessment is based on their creativity. And the winners get the prize.

Ideku Handmade's works.
The blue team! Yeay! :D
 See you at the next workshop :)


  1. wow..keren mbak workshopnya. kasi tips dong mbak gimana cara membuat workshop yang keren

  2. hwaaa, banyak burung hantu nya!!

  3. Mbak Hima: hihihi thanks mbak.. Sebenernya ngga ada tips khususnya mbak. Aku cuma jalaninnya tanpa beban aja. Jdnya ngalir begitu aja.. :D

    Mbak Carolina: iyaaa, di workshop lebih banyak lg. Mari kemariii :)

    Indi: makasihhhh Indi. Sukses jg ya buat kamu :)

  4. kunjungan gan .,.
    bagi" motivasi .,.
    jangan pernah mengeluh dengan apapun .,.
    tetaplah semangat dan nikmati semua.,.
    di tunggu kunjungan gan.,.

  5. puri.. selamat ya.. makin berkibar aja nih... sukses terus buat Puri dan idekuhandmade
