Friday, July 8, 2011

{owl cosmetic pouch with ideku handmade's pattern}

Hi how are you today? We're quiet busy, helped Bunga's Mom to make some preparation for her lovely daughter's 7th birthday. Party all day long, started from 10.00 am till 11.00 pm. What a fun party! Happy Birthday dear Bunga :) *photos upload soon!*
And this is about another patterns that we've made for key holder (click here) and cosmetic pouch. Err, Do you realize? We made these patterns based on our logo! yaiy! You can choose one of these patterns for one thing that you want to buy. The process is about 2-3 weeks. For order please contact Oline 08999851162, WhatsApp 08999851162, Y!M oielabelle. Happy shopping :)


andddd... we are Ideku Handmade! We proud to be a little part of this crazy crafty world :)
Oie and Puri *sebenernya ini stres bareng menjelang akhir bulan. harus bayar ini-itu. hihihihi :D
Besok lanjut lagi yaa, Ta-Ta, Bai-Bai :*

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