Wednesday, January 19, 2011

{watched mwathirika}

hi people all around the world!
have you take a look for this amazing puppet show? 
i bet you should!

2 days ago, me, anggi, and maartje watched mwathirika show.
mwathirika is a visual performance without words, about the dark history 
which they tell in an imaginative way, like a fairy tale.

and mwathirika was founded in 2006 by maria tri sulistyani.
papermoon fulfills its artistics heart with experimental art
which uss the medium of puppet theatre to reach a wider audience.

outside yogya, papermoon puppet theatre has also had the oppurtinity
to perform in raja ampat, papua, padang panjang, sumatera, blora,
cilacap, sukoharjo, malang, new york, baltimore, philadelphia,
washington dc, south korea, malaysia, singapore,and jakarta.

 me, anggi, mbak ria papermoon, and maartje
 maartje officially has an indonesian identity card
 our heart's melted!
let's support our local designer and artist!


  1. lah, aq pikir mbak ria itu seniman senior gitu, ternyata masih imud gitu :D

    bdw aq pikir tadi itu KTP benerean loh, tp koq fotonya bergaya2 gitu :D keren ya idenya! hebat!

  2. hahaha iya yg ktp itu lucuuu bgt hhihihihi :p
    si mbak ria emang msh muda dan super talented bgt yah! salut aku sm dia...

  3. hehehe I really enjoyed the play!
    And the foto's are cool, thanks!
    xx Cece

  4. i know a few friends who would enjoy a show like this, including myself! any chance of the show in Palembang? or in S'pore, let me know too! i'll definitely give a shout out.

    i want mbak Ria's cute T!

    psst, i've a giveaway going on in my blog.

    best, fiona

  5. thanks for all of my new friends!!!
    applause kalian malem itu bener bener mengguncang goethe!!! :D


  6. Kereeeeeen :) Jadi ngiri :)) Pengen banget dateng ke puppet show, tapi blm pernah kesampaian, hihihi...

  7. Hiyaaah, ketinggalan !!
    aku akhir2 ini kurang gaul nih, jd ga tahu kalo mwathirika ke Jakarta
