Thursday, December 9, 2010

{girls-moms day out with daai tv and ideku handmade}

I teached for daai tv workshop last sunday. this is the 2nd birthday for house and living. after arriving there, i was surprised. i have to teach in front of the stage with the open space, not in a small room. so visitors are free to look at me. i have to use mic (its look like a hairband like a singer!) gosh, i felt so embarrassed and nervous. fortunately i was accompanied by 2 mc. i was nervous at the first time, but after that, i can interact with people.

this is what we made: a cute dinosour doll!

the next day, i received many emails from workshop participants. they said "thank you for the knowledge :)"
ahh, all went very well! thanks to daai tv (mbak yane and crews), mbak tarlen (pics taken by her), workshop participants, dad (who lent his car :D).

bye-bye and see you on ideku handmade's girls-moms day out!


  1. wah, suka ngisi workshop bikin boneka juga? mau dong kapan2 ikut ^^

  2. halo mbak puri. sy Ignasia, ada di foto ketiga, sblh kiri, pakai baju warna coklat, lg pegang boneka warna merah, duduk di sebelah cewe pakai baju warna putih. itu tuh, yg kt mbak puri, boneka dinosaurus tp gk ada kaki, malah spt ikan, hehehe. maklum, blm terbiasa. sampai rumah, krn mama sy tahu, sy br belajar buat boneka, sy malah dimintai tolong u bantuin jahit, ternyata asyik jg. emang spt itu ya mbak, kalau ingin mahir, harus rajin latihan. tks ya mbak, dah ngajarin buat boneka, jd pengen belajar jahit. mbak belajar jahit otodidak atau di tmp kursus? wah, karya2 mbak di blog keren2.. maju terus mbak puri. sampai bertemu lg.

  3. kamu hebat Puri ..... aku turut bangga .... lanjutkan ...!! ... \(^-^)/
